Case Study Nood | Turning Traffic
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Case Study




Nood is a modern DTC success-story, going from 6 figures to multi 8 figures in less than 3 years, and we’ve had the privilege of partnering with them over the last 12 months to help push them past that mark. 


They hired us to manage their Email and SMS marketing campaigns. But there was an interesting problem…


You see, Nood’s hero product is a IPL hair removal device, mostly used for stopping unwanted hair growth ‘down there’. While many brands have found success marketing similar or alternative products to a single gender (like RoseSkinCo for women, or Manscaped for men), Nood is the only brand that has figured out how to scale the same product under the same brand name to all genders.


This poses a tricky marketing challenge, because a mismatched message relating to the other gender’s genitals can turn a reader off, for example: a man reading the message “is shaving your labia a majora pain?”




Working in conjunction with Nood’s Marketing team, we came up with a few different tactics to identify and segment ALL email campaigns and flows based on gender.

First, we started tagging every Klaviyo user based on their referring url. Nood’s facebook ads have always been their largest traffic source, and their targeting segments by gender to drive men and women to different pages. The referring utm’s from the referring url help form our first level of identification.


Second, for users who come through other sources (direct, organic, affiliates) we capture gender data with a popup that asks them to specify what’s in their pants (Nood takes a very tongue-in-cheek approach to their messaging). 


Third, we use Klaviyo’s predictive gender feature to identify which users are likely to be men and which are likely to be women. 


Combining all 3 methods together helps us correctly identify the gender of almost 98% of all users! 




Nood has experienced record-breaking growth in the last 12 months, and increasing their revenue from email and SMS has helped them generate more profits to fund marketing and inventory costs. 


When we first started working with Nood In April ‘22, only 11.17% of their total revenue could be attributed to Emails and SMS.

Nood attribution apr '22.png

By Dec ‘22, we managed to increase that number up to 23.89%

Nood attribtuon dec '22.png

And these numbers EXCLUDE any sales attributed to welcome flows in email or SMS.


So that’s at least an extra 12.72% increase in revenue (and larger increase in profitability) generated at the added expense of our monthly retainer.

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